Photo Courtesy of IAE
If you're reading this, then you probably already know that the aviation industry is home to some of the best people.
I was reminded of this recently when I did an interview with Dr. Tim Smith, Founder and CEO of the Institute for Aerospace Education, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing opportunities for young people to excel in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) areas, and specifically in aviation and aerospace.
Not only is Dr. Smith a really nice guy, but he has a particularly remarkable thing going on with the Institute for Aerospace Education. You can read more about his story here.
You see, I'm a huge advocate for getting young people interested in aviation, and it's because it hits home for me: If it weren't for one very specific chance event as a teenager in which I got to ride along with my dad's flight instructor, there's a good chance that I would have almost zero interest in aviation today. Once person, or one experience, can make the difference for a young adult who is deciding what to do with his life.
The Institute for Aerospace Education is a wonderful organization that helps young people and the aviation industry at the same time. The organization provides educational materials, high school courses and early flight training to students who are interested. The students that go through the IAE's program are privy to unique experiences that will help shape their future, like restoring this Curtiss Jenny and interacting with industry professionals.
The IAE has such an important mission, made even more important by a possible pilot and technician shortage in the near future.
The future of aviation and aerospace is in our hands, and we need to reach out to our youth. It's clear to me that the aviation industry could benefit from more organizations like the Institute for Aerospace Education.